Alba historical overview

 Alba citizens are very proud of its long history. Archaeological findings (from the end of 19th century – to be visited in the Museo Civico) prove a human presence in this area during the Neolithic and the Iron Age period. In 1st century it was Celt and Ligurian tribes settlement and then, under Alba Pompeia name, it played a significant role in ancient times as municipium romanum placed on important traffic route between Aquae Statiellae (Acqui Terme) and Augusta Taurinorum (Turin).

via Cavour

After Roman Empire downfall Alba was destroyed by the Saracens, to reborn in 11th century and to experience its time of glory. In this period more than one hundred tall towers emerged as a symbol of prestige and richness, from which only a few pieces left. They were destroyed during numerous battles with Asti town.

Till 1945 it was a poor and mainly rural region without any significant industry. Nowadays it’s very well prosperous town, not only because of food treasures, but also thanks to such companies like Ferrero (in Alba there is the headquarter and the biggest factory of this global confectionery producer).

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