About me

Since my childhood Italy has been my great passion and everything because of Roberto Baggio – a famous Italian ex-soccer player. When I was twelve I promised myself to learn Italian, visit Apennine Peninsula and to go for a match with Roberto Baggio playing. I have also dreamed to meet him personally. Till than I managed to realize three first goals and for forth one I still have time… 🙂

Monte Carlo, Roberto Baggio feet
in Monte Carlo, you can see feet of Roberto Baggio

I have started to write my blog in first months after my relocation to Piedmont. I used to live in Alba for 3 years. During this time I was discovering new flavors, new places, I often traveled between Italy and Poland, I was enjoying weekends in Liguria or holidays in others Italian regions. But it was the most important, thanks to mu blog I met new friends and amazing people. However my Italian adventure came to the end. I came back to Poland, where I work, I develop my skills, I arrange my place to live and I try to have la dolce vita…

In Alba food market, Piedmont, Italy
during shopping in Alba Food Market

Because my life has changed, also my blog has been modified a bit. At the beginning my goal was to present Piedmont as a attractive region and to introduce its attractions not only to Polish, but also people from all over the world (that’s why I write it in English and Italian). On my website you can find a lot of useful information, photos, events descriptions I took part.

Lingotto, Turin, Italy
on the Lingotto roof with Fiat Coupe’ Klub Polska i Chris Bangle

After my relocation to Poland I started to miss not only Piemonte, but also beautiful Liguria, hospitable Apulia, dynamic Lombardia or idyllic Tuscany. But the most of all I miss Italians. We can say different things about them, also criticize their choices, but we have to admit they can enjoy life, they know how to have fun, and despite complaining about politicians, high taxes, uncontrolled immigration, they are smiling all the time, they know what it means good food, good wine and great design. And what about my blog is now: Piemonte, Italy and la dolce vita!

Enjoy the reading! 🙂

Tanti saluti,




4 thoughts on “About me

  1. Ciao Monika: io sono piemontese, di Torino, ma non vivo piu’ in Italia. Mi piacerebbe seguire le tue pagine ma non vedo come farlo. Mi iscrivi tu? io non sto in Facebook ne’ in niente d’altro – ma ho un blog su Word Press.
    E’ bello rivedere le immagini della mia terra ! Ti ringrazio. Vera

    1. Ciao Vera,
      Grazie del commento e mi fa tanto piacere che ti sei interessata al mio blog! Al momento sono nella fase dei test di diversi programmi di newsletter, ma appena sara’ pronta e avviata l’opzione delle notifiche automatiche dei nuovi articoli, ti mando l’informazione. Per adesso, appena pubblicherò’ un nuovo articolo ti manderò’ un link.
      Ti invito anche sulla mia pagina di Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/belpiemontecom – ci si puo’ entrare senza essere utente di questo social network. Siccome giro un po’ anche nelle altre regioni (la Liguria per esempio) ci metto tante foto che non trovi sul mio blog (che e’ dedicato solo alla regione del Piemonte).
      Complimenti per il tuo blog. Mi piacono tanto tutte le foto, soprattutto quelle in bianco e nero – sono cosi’ sentimentali.
      Tanti saluti,

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